10% of GDP to finance the PNE 2024-2034: The future of education in Brazil
Financing, Education, Plano Nacional de Educação, Gross Domestic ProductAbstract
This article aims to evaluate compliance with the funding goal established in the Plano Nacional de Educação [National Education Plan] (PNE) 2014-2024 and to assess the volume of resources that should be allocated in a new plan for the 2024-2034 period. To achieve this, qualitative analyses were conducted alongside the use of data from national and international databases. If Brazil were to invest amounts equivalent to those allocated by member countries of the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development in 2019, it would require resources equivalent to 14% of its Gross Domestic Product (GDP). Therefore, we believe that the new ten-year plan should propose a minimum allocation of 10% of GDP to enable Brazil to achieve higher-quality education in the future.
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