A computerized adaptive test of Provinha Brasil - Leitura: results and perspectives
Computerized Adaptive Testing, Competency Assessment , Provinha Brasil , Item Response TheoryAbstract
This article describes a Computerized Adaptive Test (CAT) of Provinha Brasil – Leitura,1 based on Item Response Theory. We detail the operation and development of the algorithm. The CAT was administered by means of tablet computers to 1,983 students in the 1st and 2nd grades of primary education, in 15 schools of the Municipal Education System of São Paulo. Results confirm the quality of Provinha Brasil’s items, of the work done in schools and, mainly, of the CAT. As to the management of test time, we found a positive association between proficiency and time, but only to a certain extent; students tend to take longer on the more difficult items; this tendency is stronger in more proficient students, thus confirming the hypothesis that they tend to manage test time better.
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