A educação STEM e gênero: uma contribuição para o debate brasileiro
gênero, ciências exatas, ensino médio, STEMResumo
Este artigo apresenta reflexões sobre a igualdade de gênero no ensino secundário, em especial no tocante à inclusão das jovens nas áreas de ciências, tecnologia, engenharias e matemática (STEM), tomando como fonte empírica um levantamento da produção acadêmico-científica realizada na base de dados Education Resources Information Center (ERIC). Tendo o conceito de gênero como um componente de análise do acesso das mulheres a essas áreas, foram selecionados 55 artigos e divididos em quatro agrupamentos. Considerando que, nos anos recentes, o Brasil tem apresentado diversas iniciativas que incentivam o acesso das mulheres às áreas das exatas, conhecer os estudos internacionais pode contribuir para uma reflexão crítica acerca de como a desigualdade de gênero pode ser enfrentada.
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ADAMUTI-TRACHE, Maria; SWEET, Robert. Science, technology, engineering and math readiness: ethnolinguistic and gender differences in high-school course selection patterns. International Journal of Science Education, Philadelphia, v. 36, n. 4, p. 610-634, 2014.
ANDERSEN, Lori; WARD, Thomas J. Expectancy-value models for the STEM persistence plans of ninth-grade, high-ability students: a comparison between Black, Hispanic, and White students. Science Education, Malden, v. 98, n. 2, p. 216-242, 2014.
ARMONI, Michal; GAL-EZER, Judith. High school computer science education paves the way for higher education: the Israeli case. Computer Science Education, Philadelphia, v. 24, n. 2-3, p. 101-122, 2014.
BAMBERGER, Yael. Encouraging girls into science and technology with feminine role model: does this work? Journal of Science Education and Technology, New York, v. 23, n. 4, p. 549-561, Aug. 2014.
BEEDE, David; JULIAN, Tiffany; LANGDON, David; MCKITTRICK, George; KHAN, Beethka; DOMS, Mark. Women in STEM: a gender gap to innovation. U.S. Department of Commerce, Economics and Statistics Administration, Executive Summary, Washington DC, ESA Issue Brief #04-11, Aug. 2011. Disponível em:
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BOTTIA, Martha Cecília; STEARNS, Elizabeth; MICKELSON, Roslyn Arlin; MOLLER, Stephanie; PARKER, Ashley Dawn. The Relationships among high school STEM learning experiences and students’ intent to declare and declaration of a STEM major in college. Teachers College Record, New York, v. 117, n. 3, p. 1-46, 2015.
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BUSCHOR, Christine B.; BERWEGER, Simone; KECK FREI, Andrea; KAPPLER, Christa. Majoring in STEM-What accounts for women’s career decision making? a mixed methods study. Journal of Educational Research, Philadelphia v. 107, n. 3, p. 167-176, 2014b.
BUSCHOR, Christine B.; KAPPLER, Christa; KECK FREI, Andrea; BERWEGER, Simone. I want to be a scientist/a teacher: students’ perceptions of career decision-making in gender-typed, non-traditional areas of work. Gender and Education, Philadelphia, v. 26, n. 7, p. 743-758, 2014a.
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COOPER, Robyn; HEAVERLO, Carol. Problem solving and creativity and design: what influence do they have on girls’ interest in stem subject areas? American Journal of Engineering Education, Littleton, v. 4, n. 1, p. 27-38, 2013.
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ERDOGAN, Niyazi; STUESSY, Carol L. Modeling successful STEM high schools in the United States: an ecology framework. International Journal of Education in Mathematics, Science and Technology, Konya, Turquia, v. 3, n. 1, p. 77-92, 2015.
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GOTTFRIED, Michael A.; WILLIAMS, Darryl N. STEM club participation and STEM schooling outcomes. Education Policy Analysis Archives, Tampa, v. 21, n. 79, p. 1-27, Oct. 2013.
GOTTFRIED, Michael; ESTRADA, Fernando; SUBLETT, Cameron. STEM Education and Sexual minority youth: examining math and science coursetaking patterns among high school students. High School Journal, Chapel Hill, v. 99, n. 1, p. 66-87, 2015.
GROSSMAN, Jennifer M.; PORCHE, Michelle V. Perceived gender and racial/ethnic barriers to STEM success. Urban Education, Thousand Oaks, v. 49, n. 6, p. 698-727, Sept. 2014.
GUO, Jiesi; PARKER, Philip D.; MARSH, Herbert W.; MORIN, Alexandre J. S. Achievement, motivation, and educational choices: a longitudinal study of expectancy and value using a multiplicative perspective. Developmental Psychology, Washington DC, v. 51, n. 8, p. 1163-1176, Aug. 2015.
HAMILTON, Asia Fuller; MALIN, Joel; HACKMANN, Donald. Racial/ethnic and gender equity patterns in Illinois high school career and technical education coursework. Journal of Career and Technical Education, Clemson, v. 30, n. 1, p. 29-52, Fall 2015.
HIRATA, Helena; SEGNINI, Liliana. Organização, trabalho e gênero. São Paulo: Editora Senac, 2007.
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ITABORAÍ, Nathalie Reis; RICOLDI, Arlene Martinez. Até onde caminhou a revolução de gênero no Brasil?: implicações demográficas e questões sociais. Belo Horizonte: Abep, 2016.
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KORPERSHOEK, Hanke; KUYPER, Hans; VAN DER WERF, Greetje; BOSKER, Roel. Who succeeds in advanced mathematics and science courses? British Educational Research Journal, Philadelphia, v. 37, n. 3, p. 357-380, 2011.
KOUL, Ravinder; LERDPORNKULRAT, Thanita; CHANTARA, Soontornpathai. Relationship between career aspirations and measures of motivation toward biology and physics, and the influence of gender. Journal of Science Education and Technology, New York, v. 20, n. 6, p. 761-770, Dec. 2011.
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