Educational action-research: thematic concern, analysis and critical-reflexive interpretation
Educational Research, Action Research, Methodology, Qualitative ResearchAbstract
Methodological extreme situations for the development of action research as typology of qualitative research in education are problematized. We present concrete proposals for theoretical and methodological procedure of systematic action research in three cartographic matrices: Matriz-Dialógico-Problematizadora – MDP [Dialogical Problematizing Matrix (DPM)], Matriz Temático-Organizadora – MTO [Thematic Organizing Matrix (TOM)] and Matriz Temático-Analítica – MTA [Analytical Thematic Matrix (ATM)]. We highlight examples of each of the three matrices discussing step by step the implementation process. We have indicated the theoretical and methodological potential of MDP, MTO and MTA in steps of preparing the thematic concern, collection / production data, analysis and conceptual proposition (conclusions) projects of educational action research approach in the qualitative approach.
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