Law courses: institutional fragmentation, gender and intersectionality
Profession, Teaching Practice, Law, WomenAbstract
The text addresses the legal academy and its fragmentation, relating them to the hybridization of professionalism. It considers the social diversification of professors – with the incorporation of women and racial difference – as confrontations, encounters and negotiations of identity differences that generate hierarchies and decentralizations. The purpose of the article is to show how these globally widespread processes decentralize the teaching profile, while at the same time they engender the stratification that intersects gender and race with titling, regional location, institutional types and working conditions. Indicators of this displacement, which neither eradicate inequality and domination nor restrict the reproduction of a fixed hegemonic pattern, are presented. The article is based on secondary data on law courses, taken from the National Higher Education Census of 2012, Inep, and illustrates the analysis with qualitative material.
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