Didactics of mathematics in training courses for teachers and educators



Mathematics, Teacher Education, Early Childhood Education, Primary Education


The Bologna Process aimed at restructuring European Higher Education, improving its quality training and standardization. However, these objectives have not been fulfilled, yet. The training of early childhood educators and primary school teachers is dissimilar, namely, in the skills demanded, the access to the courses and the degree requirements. We analyzed, specifically, the syllabuses of the courses, taking into account the didactics of mathematics. We concluded that these syllabuses differ greatly concerning the (in)dependence of the courses, their distribution, number of European Credit Transfer System (ECTS), aims, program content, teaching methodology, system of assessment and bibliography proposed.



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Author Biography

Isabel Cabrita, Universidade de Aveiro, Aveiro, Portugal

Departamento de Educação e Psicologia. área de didática da matemática


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How to Cite

Cabrita, I. (2018). Didactics of mathematics in training courses for teachers and educators. Cadernos De Pesquisa, 48(168), 532–549. Retrieved from https://publicacoesfcc.emnuvens.com.br/cp/article/view/5045


