Relations between moral judgment, racism and empathy in children
Children, Race, Prejudice, EmpathyAbstract
This study aimed to analyze the relations between moral judgment, racism and empathy in children. Participants included 76 students from Maceió city, Brazil, aged 7 to 12 years (M = 9.71, SD = 1.65). A moral dilemma was used, with two versions of the outcome, to analyze moral judgment in two dimensions: generosity and justice. For empathy, the Empathy Scale for Children and Adolescents (ESCA) was used. Finally, a story about racial prejudice was used. The results showed greater children’s adherence to generosity and empathy, with low adherence to racism. The dimensions of generosity and justice were inversely correlated, and there was also inverse correlation between one of the empathy factors and racism.
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