The utility of physical education according to students from Germany and Chile



Physical Education, Students, Chile, Germany


The aim of this study is to show how the students of different cultures perceive their physical education classes. 2748 students (1373 from the Araucania Region in Chile and 1375 from Saarland in Germany) have been surveyed. The students of both countries agree that the “sportive-recreational” aspect is more important than the “social-educational” one, while the Chilean students present higher values than the German students do. In addition, the students of both countries disagree to the statement that physical education is useless for them. The Chilean and German students think that their physical education class is useful. This knowledge can be used as an opportunity to reinforce the generation of positive experiences in class and to consolidate the learning processes.


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How to Cite

Carcamo-Oyarzun, J., Wydra, G., Hernandez-Mosqueira, C., Peña Troncoso, S., & Martinez-Salazar, C. (2019). The utility of physical education according to students from Germany and Chile. Cadernos De Pesquisa, 50(175), 96–112. Retrieved from


