Attitudes towards descriptive statistics and its teaching in prospective teachers



Teacher Training, Mathematics, Statistics, Didactics


In this paper, we examine the attitudes towards descriptive statistics and its teaching in a sample of 126 prospective mathematics teachers from Spain and Chile. Following a quantitative methodology, we delved into analyzing the attitudes’ sense declared by the participants (negative or positive). Among the results, we begin by referring to the validity of the scale and next we explored the disposition of the sample towards the different attitudes’ components, ending with the main differences according to the country of participants. We concluded that the participants declare positive attitudes towards Descriptive Statistics and its teaching, which are more positive towards didactic action in Chilean subjects.


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Author Biographies

Felipe Ruz, Universidad de Granada, Granada, España.

Estudiante del programa de Doctorado en Ciencias de la Educación del departamento de didáctica de la matemática de la Universidad de Granada

Elena Molina-Portillo, Universidad de Granada, Granada, España.

Profesora Ayudante doctor del departamento de didáctica de la matemática de la Universidad de Granada

José M. Contreras, Universidad de Granada, Granada, España.

Profesor Titular del departamento de didáctica de matemática de la Universidad de Granada


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How to Cite

Ruz, F., Molina-Portillo, E., & Contreras, J. M. (2020). Attitudes towards descriptive statistics and its teaching in prospective teachers. Cadernos De Pesquisa, 50(178), 964–980. Retrieved from


