Before teaching to read: Reading metacognition and teacher training



Reading, Learning processes, Students to teachers


The present work shows a cross-sectional, exploratory study aimed at evaluating the metacognition awareness in reading of future teachers, a strategic group for understanding the teaching of reading in the present and in the immediate future. With this objective, 252 preservice teachers completed the validated Metacognitive Awareness of Reading Strategies Inventory (MARSI) questionnaire. The results indicate that these future teachers prefer using problem-solving strategies. Statistically significant differences were found, according to degree (Early Childhood or Elementary Education) and gender (women used more support strategies for reading). Finally, the importance of taking metacognitive learning identity into account in updating the reading training of preservice teachers is valued.


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How to Cite

Díaz Díaz, M. ., Echegoyen Sanz, Y., & Martín Ezpeleta, A. (2023). Before teaching to read: Reading metacognition and teacher training. Cadernos De Pesquisa, 53, e09108. Retrieved from



Teacher Education and Teaching