Comments on evaluation, pressure to publish, academic productivism and scientific ethics
Evaluation of Graduate Studies, Pressure to Publish, Productivism, Scientific EthicsAbstract
Following an invitation by the author, our comment on the paper by Moysés Kuhlmann Jr. (2014) aims to qualify a debate. According to the paper structure, we express our points of disagreement and agreement in two parts. First, against the disqualification of the debate, we analyze the arguments and statements presented in the paper, based on philosophical references on the argumentative, rhetorical and illocutionary/perlocutionary language uses. Concerning the term fallacy, used by the author, we discuss a tendency in this debate and postulate a distinction between critical analysis and tactical disqualification. Second, for the qualification of the debate, we reiterate points that the author highlighted, presenting contributions to an open debate.Downloads
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