Approaches on educational planning in Cadernos de Pesquisa (1972-1986)
Educational planning, Normative planning, Latin America, Cadernos de pesquisaAbstract
A documental study of articles on educational planning published in the journal Cadernos de Pesquisa. 35 pieces published in the Educational Planning (Planejamento Educacional), section in the period between 1972 and 1986 were analyzed. The aim was to analyze the texts from a historical perspective of development of educational planning in Latin America. An analysis of the documents was conducted, defining two levels of analysis, one relating to the textual elements of the articles and the other relating to the content discussed. In the first level of analysis, analytical texts, overviews of methodologies and experiences and guidance texts were identified. In relation to the second level of analysis, the following categories were observed: the first consists of educational planning under the economic system; the second consists of articles that discuss themes and reflections on educational planning; and the third category consists of critical works on educational planning.
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