Federalism, decentralization and educational planning: challenges to the municipalities
Municipal education, Educational responsibilities distribution, FUNDEB, Educational planningAbstract
Brazilian municipalities have a long history of educational service. However, since 1996, with the approval of the Fund for Maintenance and Development of the Fundamental Education – Fundef –, there was a massive increase in this process. This paper aims to analyze some causes and effects of this increased responsibility with regard to their planning and fi nancing capacity. Will the municipalities have the financial resources, and management and planning tools to meet the new challenges? Are the federal mechanisms that maintain this pattern of educational provision, in particular the Fund for the Maintenance and Development of Basic Education and for the Appreciation of Education Professionals – Fundeb – sustainable? The results point to the need to establish permanent mechanisms to ensure the effective collaboration of the federated entities, with an increase of the Union’s role in the funding and technical support regarding planning and evaluation.
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