Injustice, conflict and violence: a case study in public school in Recife
Schools, Violence, Conflict, JusticeAbstract
The article presents partial results of a study based on a case study in a statepublic school in Recife (PE). The data show that the school actors refer to a sense of injustice, relating it to a decrease in well-being, which may generate conflicts and violence in the school setting. High school students, teachers and administrators were informally interviewed in the intervals between classes. This was done in order to conduct this activity in its natural setting, as well as to avoid violating ethical principles of research. Teachers and the headmistress were also interviewed using a semi-structured instrument. The study concludes that justice in the school context should be viewed from its multidimensional nature and ambiguity, limiting the ability to intervene, thus often leading school actors to justify unfair practices.
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