Building the theoretical framework of a research study



Research, Theory, Methodology, Research Project


This article has a practical purpose: to provide students and researchers with a set of strategies aimed at facilitating the building of a theoretical framework and its integration with the other parts of the study. This proposal is based on the identification and solution of three basic issues: 1) defining the object of study; 2) distributing the theoretical content into the different parts of the study; and 3) selecting the theoretical content of the study, which should be an integral part of the theoretical framework and include three dimensions: historical-contextual, conceptual and methodological.



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Author Biography

José Raúl Gallego Ramos, Universidad Iberoamericana, México

Máster en Ciencias de la Comunicación por la Universidad de La Habana y la Universidad de Guadalajara. Profesor de Teoría de la Comunicación y Estudios de la Praxis Periodística en la Universidad de Camagüey Ignacio Agramonte Loynaz. Sus investigaciones se ubican principalmente en el área de la Metateoría, Epistemología de la Comunicación y Teoría de la Agenda Setting.


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How to Cite

Ramos, J. R. G. (2018). Building the theoretical framework of a research study. Cadernos De Pesquisa, 48(169), 830–854. Retrieved from


