Perceived self-regulation as a predictor of resource use in Moodle
Self-Regulation, Moodle, Teaching Resources, Educational TechnologyAbstract
Self-regulated learning involves reflecting on the use of educational resources to manage what, when, how, with whom, and why to learn. Thus, this study investigated the relationship between students’ perceptions regarding the planning, execution and self-evaluation of learning and the selection of Moodle resources and activities. A total of 438 middle school students (grades 7-9) responded to the Inventory of Resources and Activities in Moodle Environments and to the Inventory of Self-regulated Learning in Moodle Environments. A regression analysis showed that the students’ perception about the planning, execution and self-evaluation of learning predicted the selection of resources and activities pertaining to information availability and work accomplishment, but not to collaboration/interaction in all phases of work regulation.
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