The quality of education in the horizon of integral protection for children and adolescents
Quality of Education, Rights of the Child, Rights of the Adolescent, LegislationAbstract
The article intends to problematize the concept of quality of education envisioned in the Child and Adolescent Statute (Estatuto da Criança e do Adolescente), built on the ballast of the struggle for children and adolescents human rights. This concept imposes itself as a broadening of the spectrum of citizenship rights and social rights of learners, so that the content of the right to education cannot be considered ideologically neutral. The qualitative study of bibliographic type examines in the doctrinal and normative collection the foundations of the educational quality as human right, having it as horizon of Integral Protection of the childhoods. We note that the quality advocated as Integral Protection is not a fact, nor an act that depends exclusively on the positive text. It depends, in addition to economic factors, political factors, engagement of family and society, the level of democracy and state structures to ensure its effectiveness.
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