“Reginaldo Prandi”, third wife of Xangô: Wandering readings of proper names
Reading, Comprehension, Mother Tongue Instruction, Afro-Brazilian CultureAbstract
In order to understand narratives, it is necessary to understand the names of their characters and places. However, little is known about how, when reading, students in the fifth year of basic education – early years – can identify correlatives that allow them to discern proper names. To analyze how this process takes place, we invited 159 participants from 9 Brazilian municipalities to respond to questions whose answers were the names of people and places. We found that 50% of the participants were unable to link the names of a text of Afro-Brazilian literature with the segments needed to interpret them. The article describes the challenges related to language, text and discourse that are probably related to the construction of the mistaken hypotheses made by the children.
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